_____________Sir, we would see Jesus______________
Thank you for visiting our website! Welcome To the Home of
___Circuit-Rider CDs & DVDs Ministry Inc.____
Remember the True man of God in these wicked times, and our country that we turn to God for all things Please remember in prayer a special urgent request for The child of God in these last wicked vile days and times
Newest Man of God of the past added to our web-site:
Rev. Morris Triplett my first Pastor as a boy then my 2nd Pastor Rev. Harold Danner also has been updated.
The Only Audio i have of the Preaching of Rev. Morris Triplett has been added to the link of Preachers Past…we did our best to make this audio as clear as can be, Very Blessed and Thankful for the Audio, he was so special to many
We are committed to the spreading of God’s Word through CDs & DVDs of grounded, solid BIBLE preaching from The Word of God, The Authorized 1611 King James Bible. We Love you, but more importantly, Jesus Christ loves you.
Seek Him while He may be found…the only way you know how…For friend He’s Paid your debt in full that you noway could ever pay on a cross at Calvary, He bore all your sin and gave you a choice to except Him as Lord or reject Him and be dammed for eternity
If you have an Event, Baptism, Men’s Meeting, Lady’s Circle Meeting, A Revival, Jubilee, Prayer Meeting, Funeral, Fund Raiser, Benefit; What ever the case maybe please send us the Info. We will be glad to post it on our Calendar of Events so folks can make plans to attend your service. send all Info. to: thecrbb@gmail.com
***✞✞✞ Special Prayer Request Of UTTER MOST IMPORTANCE ✞✞✞***The LOST***
Very, Very serious Special Prayer Request to please Bath in your Prayer’s
More important than anything that could be ask in your Prayer’s for the LOST SOULS OF:
Please Help us here Pray for a 98-year old lady that is so very dear to this Ministry,
please bathe in prayer her Heavy burden for her lost family member’s.
Also dear Lost Rob & Walter & Kieth please help Pray they too get saved before it’s to late;
Repetitive Prayer Request: For THE Shepherds “GOD’s Called Men”***
The True called Men of God pray for wisdom and strength & courage for them to keep on keeping on for Christ sake to Preach The Truth’s of The Gospel of Christ, Jesus and to proclaim the right doctrine and NOT back down Pray that God give them a back bone of the supernatural that no fear of man can interfere and they are reminded that to not fear man BUT FEAR GOD who can destroy both body and soul, that they STAND STRONG on TRUTH’s Amen and that GOD remove the so called that are not called by God from the pulpits of the land that are misguiding and misleading innocent sheep to Hell, In Jesus name, let it so be Amen
God Knows All! If you have A special Prayer request & want folk to pray unto The LORD on your behalf,
please send it to our E-mail link tab above at Contact Us
***Please while your here take advantage of hearing a Gospel Truth message while looking; there’s enough here to spend years literally enjoying the goodness of God or while on the internet you may listen to Preaching Truth’s of the Word of God or spirit filled singing, even videos or visit our YouTube channel at: Biblebasketvideo
***✞✞✞ Special Message Of The Month ✞✞✞***
“What shall I do then With JESUS which is called CHRIST?” Download MP3
** Featured Message**
“GODs THREE DEADLINES” Dr. J. Harold Smith Download MP3
This Message Is a Challenge to Everyone.
Please Take Time To Hear the message In Its Entirety No matter who you are. It will encourage and will Help you I Promise
“✞✞✞ The GREATEST GOD LIKE Thing You CAN EVER DO ✞✞✞ ” Rev. Daniel Buchanan Download MP3