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Return to Present: Men Of God ✞✞✞
Bro. Harvey Presnell
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Present: Men Of God ✞✞✞
Dr. Dewey Williams ✞✞✞
Rev. Daniel Buchanan ✞✞✞
Pastor: Chris Cox ✞✞✞
Pastor: Leonard Fletcher ✞✞✞
Evangelist Mike Reeves
Dr. Jeff Wilson ✞✞✞
Pastor Derick Wilson
Pastor Jobie Borders
Pastor: Michael Poindexter
Rev. Larry Winkler
Bro. Adam Edwards
Bro. Steven Aldridge
Evangelist Ethen Greene
Bro. Doug Thompson
Bro. James Stanley Adcock
Bro. John Melton
Bro. Kent Wood
Bro. Matthew Beaver
Bro. Seth Buchanan
Bro. Thomas Brown
Bro. Travis Church
Evangelist Daniel Wyles ✞✞✞
Bro. Chancee Carter
Bro. Robert Jones
Dr. Darrin Waldroup
Dr. Joe Author
Dr. Ralph Sexton, Jr.
Bro. Terry Dietz
Bro. Terry Trivette
Bro. Tommy Worth
Dr. Mike Bagwell
Evangelist, Ray Long
Bro. Alfred Willis
Bro. Matt Wood
Bro. Barry Rackley
Bro. Buster Mullins
Bro. Jason McNeese
Bro. Jeff Faggart
Bro. Lonnie Sorrell
Bro. Mike Soop
Evangelist: Cody Shew
Bro. Harvey Presnell
Bro. Nathan Hammill
Bro. Pete Cox
Bro. Donnie Shumate
Bro. Robert Taylor
Bro. Michael Qualls
Bro. Buddy Farris
Bro. CT Townsend
Bro. Dean McNeese
Bro. Phillip Willis
Evangelist: Bro. Curtis Presnell
Bro. Jimmy Galgano
Bro. Rick Safriet
Bro. Kevin Munson
Dr. Ronnie Simpson
Bro. Brian Faulkner
Bro. Devin Servert
Bro. Ronnie Miller
Bro. Chris Haizlip
Bro. Mark Annas
Bro. Nick Annas
Dr. K. Daniel Fried
Bro. Dwight Banks
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We are In need of your support for this Ministry as we would love to be able to branch out to the entire world to send good Solid Gospel Truth Preaching of God's Word in power and in demonstration of the Holy Ghost for Hope of the ONLY HOPE there is; Jesus Christ.
Somewhere, someone is counting on you for your help to receive a Gospel truth CD or DVD.
For presentation of this Ministry and how your Church or you as an individual can help, contact:
Pastor Chris Cox
(336) 977-1222
You may also send donations, prayer requests, information, singing or Preaching CDs or DVDs for review to:
The Circuit Rider Bible Basket
PO Box 2481
Boone, NC 28607
Attn. Treasurer or Circuit-Rider
The Circuit Rider
(828) 964-1340